Building Tall and Building Wide

What You Need To Know Before Knock Down and Rebuilding

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When you purchase a house today, several years later, most of its features will be obsolete with the changing times. For instance, there was a period when houses had kitchen windows, but today that has changed to open plan kitchens. However, this should not force you to relocate to a new house as it costs money. You also may be used to the locality of your old home thus no need to change neighbourhoods. Read More»

Home Construction: Preventing Your Concrete Surfaces from Cracking

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It is not uncommon for homeowners to complain about cracks in their freshly-poured concrete surfaces. This issue is particularly common for individuals who choose to perform the work without professional assistance or experience. In general, when a concrete surface is installed correctly, it will last long without extensive maintenance. However, poor construction practices will lead to cracks and premature failure. Here are simple guidelines to help you prevent the formation on your new concrete surface. Read More»

Saving Energy Around the Home – The Benefits of Adding Insulation to Your Basement Walls

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If you are not careful, you could lose a lot of energy through the lower level of your home. Many basements are notoriously energy inefficient, and that inefficiency could be costing the homeowners thousands of dollars a year in wasted energy. If the basement of your home is not properly insulated, it will be extremely difficult to keep the interior space warm in the winter and cool in the summer. That lack of insulation means that the money you spend to heat and cool your home is going right through your basement. Read More»

Simple Guide to Replacing a Damaged Tile

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A broken shower tile is not merely an eyesore. If this tile is not fixed in due time, your shower becomes at risk of harbouring mould and mildew since water ingress will be occurring through the broken tile. Not to mention that a cracked tile on your shower floor can also pose a safety hazard as you could easily nick your feet when taking a shower. Thus, it is prudent for every homeowner to know how to fix this type of damage as it could save you a lot of money regarding mould abatement costs, waterproofing replacement expenses and even medical bills. Read More»

Two steps to take before renovating your house exterior

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If you’ve decided to renovate your house exterior, here are two steps you should take to ensure that this project goes off without a hitch. Prepare for adverse weather conditions If you’re performing exterior home renovations such as painting the exterior walls, repairing the roof, repaving the driveway or sprucing up the porch, you will need to prepare for adverse weather conditions. If you fail to do this, the consequences could be disastrous. Read More»